Nutrition and Food Security
Since our founding, the Coalition has advocated that hunger is a health issue, as myriad studies repeatedly show that nutrition-insecure households face higher incidences of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease and consistently have more emergency room visits, hospital admissions and total days in the hospital. Additionally, the cost of hunger to the healthcare industry alone is $53 billion annually, placing an ever-widening burden on our nation’s hospitals, health systems, federally qualified health centers, non-clinical community-based service organizations and citizens. TRCC highlights policies that address the far-reaching human and financial costs of hunger and ensure nutrition security for every family.
For more information focusing on Food is Medicine, please click here.
Resources and Information
Feeding America map: Food Insecurity among Overall (all ages) Population in the United States
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) resource: Food access mapping tool
USDA database: “Food Security and Nutrition Assistance Statistics”
Congressional Research Service report: “Defining Low-Income, Low-Access Food Areas (Food Deserts)”
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities report: “More Adequate SNAP Benefits Would Help Millions of Participants Better Afford Food”
The American Prospect article: “A Boost in Food Stamps, but Hunger Remains”
Journal of Patient-Centered Research article: “The Silence of Food Insecurity: Disconnections Between Primary Care and Community Organizations”
Journal of Nutrition article: “Food Insecurity Is Associated with Chronic Disease among Low-Income NHANES Participants”
American Journal of Managed Care article: “Food Insecurity, Healthcare Utilization, and High Cost: A Longitudinal Cohort Study”
Health Services Research journal article: “Food insecurity, health care utilization, and health care expenditures"
Association of American Medical Colleges article: “54 million people in America face food insecurity during the pandemic. It could have dire consequences for their health”

Healthy Meals Help Kids Learn Act
H.R. 1259 - Representative Jim McGovern (D-MA)
Introduced on 3/21/23
49 Co-Sponsors as of 3/18/24
S. 3093 - Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM)
Introduced on 10/19/23
12 Co-Sponsors as of 3/18/24

This bill would:
Permanently increase the federal reimbursement level for all free, reduced-price, and paid-rate school meals by 45 cents for every lunch served and 28 cents for every breakfast served, with a yearly adjustment.
Provide higher reimbursement rates to help address funding challenges, enhance menus, increase access to locally grown food, and support expanded services like afterschool snacks and breakfast in the classroom.
The bills were referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce and the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.
Additional Information
Representative McGovern: Remarks upon introduction
Representative McGovern’s office: McGovern Introduces New Bill to Permanently Increase Federal Reimbursement Level for School Meals
School Nutrition Association memo: Act Now: Two Key School Nutrition Bills Introduced in Congress
Senator Heinrich’s office: Heinrich, Fetterman, Warnock Introduce Legislation To Help End Childhood Hunger
Senator Heinrich’s office: Bill fact sheet
For further information about this issue or other legislation in the ELM, please contact Hannah Miller at

Closing the Meal Gap Act
H.R. 3037 - Representative Alma Adams (D-NC)
Introduced on 5/2/23
102 Co-Sponsors as of 3/18/24
S. 1336 - Senator Kristen Gillibrand (D-NY)
Introduced on 4/27/23
11 Co-Sponsors as of 3/18/24

The bill would:
Change the formula that determines Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits to better account for real costs and need, increasing the baseline of SNAP benefits by about 30 percent
Eliminate time limits on benefits as well as the cap on the Excess Shelter Deduction in the SNAP formula to consider the cost of living when calculating benefits
Permanently authorize a minimum standard medical deduction in areas with higher costs of living in every state for seniors and disabled individuals applying for benefits
Eliminate time-limits on benefits for all Americans and would extend SNAP benefits to US territories, Puerto Rico, American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands
The bills were referred to the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Nutrition, Oversight, and Department Operations and the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry
Additional Information
Rep. Adams’ office: One-Pager
Sen. Gillibrand's office press release: Senators Gillibrand & Welch, Rep. Velázquez, Anti-Hunger Advocates Introduce Bill To Boost Snap Benefits
Rep. Adams' office press release: Adams, Gillibrand Introduce Landmark Anti-Hunger Legislation
Sen. Gillibrand press conference: Announcing the Closing the Meal Gap Act
Food Research and Action Center (FRAC): 2023 Farm Bill Priorities
News12 article: Lawmakers look to expand SNAP benefits in fight against food insecurity
- For further information about this issue or other legislation in the ELM, please contact Hannah Miller at