About Us
The Root Cause Coalition is a nonprofit, member-driven organization comprised of leading health systems, hospital associations, foundations, businesses, national and community nonprofits, health insurers, academic institutions, and policy centers. Founded by AARP Foundation in 2015, our common goal is to achieve health equity for every American.
The Root Cause Coalition brings together diverse organizations committed to achieving health equity through collaborative partnerships, community-based solutions, public policy changes and shared research.
Connected by our common goals in advocacy, education and research, members serve their communities to realize improved health outcomes. TRCC is member-led and works collectively, sharing best practices and creating innovative partnerships to improve public health.

Four Corners of Priority
1 - Advocacy
Advocate for reforms to data collection standards, metrics and new payment models in Medicare and Medicaid that address health inequity and ensure payment to care providers and non-clinical community-based organizations for demonstrated value related to addressing the social determinants of health.
2 - Include SDOH in Clinical and Education Programs
Advocate for and educate on need to ensure that medical and clinical educations programs nationwide include curriculum on social drivers of health, trauma informed care and cultural competency, as well as programs and policies that foster diversity in the health care workforce.
3 - Reduce Health Industry Carbon Emissions
Educate communities and their related health institutions on policies that reduce climate change emissions from the health care industry.
4 - Research
Research issues related to health disparities; specifically, those born from systemic racism, as well as our nation’s deficits in maternal and infant mortality and mental health and substance abuse services. Educate communities, stakeholders and leaders on policies that best address inequities.